Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You have seen all four entries. Now prepare to vote.
As for the bonus round, this entry was written by one of the four contestants. Your task in this round is to identify who - that is, to match the bonus round entry with one of the regular entries.
Good luck!
Vote using the widgets in the left column of this page. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE ENTRIES BELOW ARE POSTED IN REVERSE ORDER! Number 1 is at the bottom , number 4 at the top. It's a little Floridaesque, we admit, but be not confused! muck up not your voting!
Comments on this post may be used to discuss the merits of the entries. Do not read until you have voted!
Seen in 2018
6 years ago
How do we vote?
There is a poll widget available for Blogger, at least in beta/draft. I don't seem to have sufficient priviliges to at least try to use it, can you do it?
It's in Template - Page Elements. Just add a new element - Poll.
The poll is added (and I made Inigo an admin, so can edit further at leisure)
So was spelling it 'peaking' a deliberate mountain reference?
err... yes. Yes it is. Freaking satanic peakers. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Discussion of entrants below
Do not read further till after voting
So I thought 4 was most thorough, but difficult to read because too pedantic.
3 balanced tone and informativeness quite nicely, and had clean up instructions, which was a nice touch... though it lost marks for "slightly thicker than the blade of the knife when you look at both edgeways." (somewhat confusing, a bit vague, and sounds like barely any peanut butter), and for "as you would for a slather" (what in heck is a slather?).
2 was brilliant, if a tad light on actual details.
1 had a nice sarcastic edge, but seems largely useless to someone who doesn't already know how to make a sandwich.. which may be a stupid, despicable, and worthless crowd of people, whom one is thoroughly justified from omitting under normal circumstances... but who do seem rather the target audience for this contest.
Whaddya mean, Floridaesque?
Each entry has a number in the title, fer krissakes!
Hm, it looks like the formatting on some of the entries got mangled a bit.
Anyway, I'm a contestant -- am I allowed to vote ? Common sense would say, "no", but it pays to be sure...
yes it did, sorry about that, there's only so much you can do on Blogger.
We're working under the honor system here, so let your conscience guide you :)
I think there should be some consistent ruling on authors voting. Given that it's likely that some of them already have, I say the rest of them should go for it.
BTW, posts can be edited by any admin, but I can't figure out how to delete the duplicate comments.
Duuuuh, sorry about that, I must have clicked twice by mistake :-( Mea culpa
I'm all confused... I thought that at least one would use gendered descriptors of the sandwich maker... did I not read far enough in the epic thread that spawned this contest?
It's floridaesque because I keep assuming the top post is 1, etc, and having to slowly mentally correct for it.
I'm not sure. I presume that if Bugs had filled his with gender pronouns then everyone would have guessed who's it was, and then voted by party identification, not merit.
That said, I have some pretty shrewd guesses who wrote 3 of them :)
I am also pretty sure I know who wrote most of the entries; there's just one of them that puzzles me.
I wish there was more of a turnout...
Actually, on reflection, I think I could make an official guess for all of them. Bulbul, if we emailed your contest mail address would you score us?
Damn, only four entries? I'm a little disappointed...
As to guessing the writers: we could just post our guesses in the comment threads of the respective entries. Nobody would have to see the guesses if they didn't want to, so it wouldn't affect voting.
Seems to me that the whole thing came up rather suddenly, which might explain the low turnout. It went from random idea to entry deadline in, what, three days?
That's kind of tough to do, even for a 500 word sandwich writing manual.
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