"Reverends, Father, Rabbi," Bruce Barnes acknowledged but did but did not welcome the men.
One of the Reverends stepped forward and made his plea, "Bruce, we may have had our disagreements in the past, but it's pretty clear what happened. Billings knew everything their was to know about the Rapture, and you know everything their was to know about Billings. We want salvation, and to help those left behind."
Bruce Barnes looked up from an ancient, well-worn Bible with a myriad of bookmarks and placeholders sticking out from the pages. "First gentlemen," he hissed, "you must help yourselves. You two, rededicate yourselves to Jesus on the spot, there is a reason you were both left behind. You 'Father,' accept Jesus into your heart, if he was with you he would have told you to switch to the correct faith years ago. Finally, you 'Teacher,' accept Jesus as your Messiah, and pray in repentance for your heresy. Once all of you have purified yourselves, we need to gather supplies. Food, water, and most importantly weapons. We must make this church defensible, dark times are upon us."
"But what about the others left behind?" asked the Rabbi.
"Who do you think we need to defend this church against?" asked Bruce Barnes coldly, "Those who have not yet accepted the truth are already lost."
A look of sadness came over the four men in the door way.
"Let's go," sighed the second Reverend, "Their is no salvation to be found here..." As he turned toward the door he finished, "For anyone."
With that, four men dressed in black left Bruce Barnes office looking defeated.